window: padding: x: 32 y: 32 dynamic_padding: true decorations: None opacity: 0.8 key_bindings: - { key: V, mods: Alt, action: Paste } # Alt+V Paste - { key: C, mods: Alt, action: Copy } # Alt+C Copy - { key: Q, mods: Super, action: Quit } # Mod+Q Quit - { key: N, mods: Alt, action: ToggleFullscreen } # Alt+N Fullscreen - { key: Return, mods: Super, action: SpawnNewInstance } # Mod+Enter New Instance - { key: J, mods: Alt, action: ScrollLineDown } # Alt+J Scroll Down - { key: K, mods: Alt, action: ScrollLineUp } # Alt+K Scroll Up - { key: L, mods: Alt, action: ScrollToBottom } # Alt+L Scroll to Bottom - { key: H, mods: Alt, action: ScrollToBottom } # Alt+H Scroll to Bottom font: normal: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font style: Normal bold: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font style: Bold italic: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font style: Italic size: 12.0 offset: x: 0 y: 0 draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true bell: animation: EaseOutExpo color: '0xffffff' duration: 1 mouse: hide_when_typing: true scrolling: history: 1000 auto_scroll: true cursor: style: Beam unfocused_hollow: true live_config_reload: true shell: program: /bin/zsh colors: primary: background: "0x191724" foreground: "0xe0def4" cursor: text: "0xe0def4" cursor: "0x524f67" vi_mode_cursor: text: "0xe0def4" cursor: "0x524f67" line_indicator: foreground: None background: None selection: text: "0xe0def4" background: "0x403d52" normal: black: "0x26233a" red: "0xeb6f92" green: "0x31748f" yellow: "0xf6c177" blue: "0x9ccfd8" magenta: "0xc4a7e7" cyan: "0xebbcba" white: "0xe0def4" bright: black: "0x6e6a86" red: "0xeb6f92" green: "0x31748f" yellow: "0xf6c177" blue: "0x9ccfd8" magenta: "0xc4a7e7" cyan: "0xebbcba" white: "0xe0def4" hints: start: foreground: "#908caa" background: "#1f1d2e" end: foreground: "#6e6a86" background: "#1f1d2e"