This is a page with small problems, to which I have found easy solutions,
so as to not litter the blog page.
<ulstyle="text-align: left;">
Nextcloud File not supported Error (<code>exif_read_data(): File not supported at /var/www/html/lib/private/Metadata/Provider/ExifProvider.php#59</code>).<br>
Upload over IP and port rather than over nginx.<br>
Pacman install fails with 404 (<code>error: failed retrieving file 'X' from Y : The requested URL returned error: 404</code>).<br>
Replace <code>/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist</code> with a new file generated at <ahref=""></a>.<br>
Then run <code>sudo pacman -Syyu</code> to update with the new mirrorlist. Make sure to use 2 y's, to force the new changes.<br>
Your mirrorlist is outdated, possibly due to the recent <ahref="">pacman git migration</a>.<br>