# ./Startpage.sh A simple tree style startpage in HTML and CSS with interchangeable and customisable themes. ![Preview](preview.png) ## Installation ### Chrome / Chromium 1. Clone git Repo 2. Go to Extensions 3. Toggle Developer mode on 4. Click on Load Unpacked 5. Select the directory you cloned the git repo ### Firefox 1. Clone git Repo 2. Find instructions on how to install further [here](https://stpg.tk/guides/firefox-startpage/#the-normal-way). ### Safari 1. Clone git Repo 2. Find instructions on how to install further [here](https://support.apple.com/de-de/guide/safari/ibrw1020/mac). ## Configuration ### Themes #### Choosing themes 1. Open the index.html file in your favorite text editor. 2. Find the line that starts with ` text ``` before or after another branch. #### Adding Trees 1. Open the index.html file in your favorite text editor. 2. Add ```


``` Where X_REPLACE_ME is the number of your Tree with a maximum of 4. ### Clock #### Removing Clock 1. Open the index.html file in your favorite text editor. 2. Find and remove the line `
`. #### Adding Clock 1. Open the index.html file in your favorite text editor. 2. Add the line `
` at the top of the `` section. #### Changing Clock to American style 1. Open the clock.js file in your favorite text editor. 2. Remove the comments (`/* */`). 3. Remove the comment (`//`) before your desired time format. You can find an explanation for each on the right side of the code. 4. Comment out old Clock style with `//`. #### Changing Clock back to Normal style 1. Open the clock.js in your favorite text editor. 2. Put a multi-line-comment start (`/*`) before `let period = "AM"`. 3. Put a multi-line-comment end (`*/`) after `period = "PM" }`. ### Search Engine #### Choosing Search Engine 1. Open the index.html file in your favorite text editor. 2. Find the `
` tags 3. Change the content of the `action=""` attribute to your search Engine 4. Change the content of the `name=""` attribute in the `` \ \ Example for startpage search engine: ````


```` 5. **Optional**: Find the `./search -e brave` element and change `brave` to your search engine's name.